Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy May Day

May is a great month for holidays in Kazakhstan. Today, students and teachers have the day off to celebrate May Day.  I am wondering--do you still have parades on May Day in Kazakhstan?

The next big May holiday is Victory Day--May 9th.  This is the celebration of the day that Nazi Germany surrendered in The Great Patriotic War (which we call World War II).  Americans might be confused, because we recognize V-E Day (Victory in Europe Day) on May 8th.  The official surrender ceremony in Berlin occurred on May 8th, 1945, but because of the time difference it was May 9th in Moscow (and in the Kazakh republic, and most of the rest of the Soviet Union).  Therefore, Russia, Kazakhstan, and most of the other former Soviet republics celebrate Victory Day on May 9.

This day is very important in Kazakhstan, and schools will be closed for a four day holiday (May 9-12).  The suffering during this war was felt strongly in Kazakhstan as it was in the rest of the Soviet Union, which lost 11,000,000 soldiers and millions more civilians in the war. As a point of comparison, the United States lost 292,000 soldiers and fewer than 6000 civilians, and the United Kingdom lost 264,000 soldiers and 92,000 civilians (all of these figures are from the Encyclopedia Brittanica). 
This eternal flame at Panfilov Park in Almaty honors all
those who died in The Great Patriotic War (WWII to us).
**Update: I had erroneously posted that International Women's Day was celebrated on May 8th, but Lera corrected me--it is March 8th.  Thank you, Lera!  Also, see Lera's comments on how May Day and Victory Day are celebrated today.

1 comment:

  1. Let me give some more information.

    First, we do have a school holiday for International Women's Day(not May, but March 8th). Before having a holiday guys gift symbolic gifts to girls. We congratulate our teachers too.

    Second, we do still celebrate May Day and the great parade is held always. But the meaning has changed. As I know, since 1889 it is celebrated as International Workers' Day, meanwhile since 1996 we call it "Unity of Kazakhstany People Day".

    In the morning a large number of people with banners, flags, balloons, some wearing national costumes,singing songs go around the city. The procession begins at riverfront(where hotel "Shiny River" is situated).Columns of people cross the bridge and go to the central square, where concert is held. Famous people of the city congratulate citizens, both children and adults dance, sing and just have fun. Also fairs are held, where one can buy delicious sweets, buns, national dishes. You can see photos here

    Third, speaking about The Victory Day, I agree that it is really important event. In school concerts are held, where veterans of the war are invited. Students read poems, sing songs about victory, make scenes on this theme. Particularly my classmates and I are preparing a dance now. It tells the story of five young girls, who was dead, while trying to stop the Germans. It based on the Boris Vasilyev's novel called "The Dawns Here Are Quiet". We are working hard to do our best. So are other students and teachers of the gymnasium.

    On May 8th residents of the city go to the Central Park and light candles in memory of war victims. And on May 9th the parad on Central Square is held.

    We remember and honour our heroes, people really need this memory.

    I hope this addition is useful.
